Would You Love to Transform Your Smile?

Are you happy with your smile, or could it use a little assistance? Some people are generally satisfied with the way their teeth look but would perhaps like to make some minor changes to improve it. They don’t need to do much to become satisfied with their smile. Others are looking to achieve a more significant transformation. These people may benefit from a more extensive treatment plan called a smile makeover.

A smile makeover can easily transform the appearance of teeth, and when needed, will help to restore optimal dental health. If this sounds appealing, our cosmetic dentists in Newcastle can work with you, helping you to achieve your healthiest and most attractive smile.

What is a Smile Makeover?

Instead of using a single dental treatment to help achieve a specific effect, a smile makeover uses two or more treatments for a greater overall impact. It can address more issues affecting your oral health and the appearance of your teeth. For example, if you have a single missing tooth, it is easily restored with a dental implant in Clarington. It is different if you have multiple problems you’d like to correct, which cannot be achieved with a single treatment.

If you have a missing tooth and perhaps other problems like tooth decay or failing fillings or teeth that are misaligned, using multiple treatments is a better approach. The missing tooth can be replaced with an implant or dental bridge; white fillings restore decayed teeth. Teeth with larger fillings could benefit from dental crowns that cover them completely, restoring appearance as well as strength. Misaligned teeth can be straightened with Invisible braces like Invisalign, or minor problems such as one or two teeth slightly out of line can be corrected with porcelain veneers.

Using several treatments is a more effective way to achieve the desired effects. It is usually more cost-effective and conservative too.

Planning a Smile Makeover

Initially, you will need a consultation here at West Bowmanville Family Dental. Our dental team will gently and thoroughly conduct a full examination to assess your dental health. We also review your medical history in cases there are any conditions or medications that could influence the treatments we recommend. We also take the time to talk to you so that we can discover your aims for your smile makeover.

Next, we can work out the most effective treatment plan and will explain each option clearly. Sometimes there is more than one treatment choice and where we can use different materials. We aim to ensure you understand exactly how each recommended treatment will help you build a nicer and healthier smile so you can make a final and informed choice and will be sure you are happy with the outcome.

How Long Does It Take to Have a Smile Makeover?

Some smile makeovers are quite quick; for example, porcelain crowns, veneers, bridges and new fillings can all be made and placed within a matter of just a few weeks. A teeth whitening treatment is typically very quick and may take as little as an hour if you opt for an in-office treatment.

Other procedures take longer but can be worthwhile and are often a good investment in your smile and your dental health; dental implants are a particularly good example. Although it can take several months to complete implant treatment, it is a long-term solution for tooth loss that, with the proper care, you’ll be enjoying for hopefully decades to come. Invisalign is another option that can take longer to complete, but it’s worth remembering straighter teeth are often easier to keep clean in addition to looking more attractive.

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