Why Would I Need a Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Your wisdom teeth are four permanent adult teeth located right at the back of the mouth, with two at the top and two at the bottom. They usually come through from the late teens onwards, but some people will never develop wisdom teeth in Newcastle. Others will find their wisdom teeth erupt without any issues, while some will have wisdom teeth that are impacted or cause other problems.

Because wisdom teeth come through so late in the day, your adult teeth are already firmly in your jawbone. Consequently, there is often not enough room for wisdom teeth to erupt fully or even partially, and they can become impacted or stuck in the jaw.

Some people find their wisdom teeth grow at an angle, either towards the adjacent molar or that they tilt backwards towards the back of the mouth. Sometimes wisdom teeth can grow at right angles to other teeth, so on an x-ray, it can look as if they are lying down inside the jawbone. Other times the wisdom tooth will grow upwards just like other teeth but is still trapped in your jawbone. When a wisdom tooth can’t fully erupt, it can remain partly covered by gum tissue.

What Problems Can Be Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

An impacted wisdom tooth can cause a range of problems, the most common of which is pain. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth can become infected and decayed, or the gum around them can become infected with periodontal disease. Tooth decay is a common issue when a wisdom tooth partially erupts because it’s very tricky to clean properly. When a wisdom tooth in Clarington cannot erupt fully, it can damage the adjacent tooth or the bone around it. If you are considering orthodontics to straighten other teeth, it can cause complications affecting this treatment.

Monitoring Your Wisdom Teeth Development

In the past, dentists often removed wisdom teeth as a precaution, just in case they could cause issues in the future, even if these teeth weren’t currently causing any problems. This isn’t the case nowadays, as we prefer to assess your wisdom teeth properly, and we will only remove them if they cannot erupt correctly or are already creating problems.

When you see us regularly, we will monitor your wisdom tooth positions, taking a panoramic x-ray that provides us with a detailed image of your entire jaw. If it is clear your wisdom teeth cannot erupt correctly, we can discuss removing them.

What to Expect If You Need a Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Straightforward wisdom tooth extractions can often be performed here at West Bowmanville Family Dental. We use plenty of anesthetic to ensure you feel comfortable, and although you might feel a little pressure or movement when the tooth is removed, it should be pain-free. If you need multiple wisdom teeth removing, then we can always discuss additional sedation, so there is no need to feel anxious about this procedure; we will make sure you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

The procedure to remove an impacted wisdom tooth is quite straightforward, as we access the tooth in the jawbone and often section or cut up the tooth into smaller pieces, so it’s easier to remove through the small opening. Afterwards, we will provide precise instructions on how to care for your mouth while you heal. Usually, healing is very uneventful, and we can discuss all possible side-effects. If you need a more complicated wisdom tooth removal in Courtice or require all four wisdom teeth removed, we might refer you to an oral surgeon who we trust to take care of you.

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