Why Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants?

If you have failing teeth, you can rest assured we will do everything we can to save them, but if this is impossible, we will have to remove the teeth and discuss how best to replace them. One of the most advanced options for restoring missing teeth is choosing dental implants in Newcastle, a suitable solution for most people.

What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant has a small titanium screw that artificially replaces your tooth root, so it is placed into your jawbone during a small surgical procedure. We can place dental implants in the upper or lower jaw, and once in position, your body produces new bone cells that are deposited on and around the post, firmly fusing it in place over several months. Once the dental implant is fused to your jawbone, it is strong enough to support a replacement tooth. We can use dental implants to restore single or multiple missing teeth in Clarington.

Why Consider Dental Implants?

It’s worth considering dental implants even if you only have a single missing tooth. Because the dental implant is self-supporting, it helps protect the adjacent teeth, so we don’t need to modify these teeth in any way. Another option would be a dental bridge with crowns fitted over these adjacent teeth, requiring us to reshape these teeth. Although a bridge is a good solution for some people, we prefer not to reshape healthy teeth when possible.

We often use dental implants to help people with removable dentures. Although we can create lifelike and natural dentures, conventional dentures rest on the gums and inevitably, the shape of your gums and the bone underneath changes significantly over time. Consequently, there is less support and retention available to hold dentures firmly in place.

Using dental implants allows us to create a denture that will snap onto the implants, ensuring it is held securely in place. People who choose this solution will notice their biting and chewing strength improves considerably, and there is no need to worry about teeth moving out of place when talking and laughing with others.

Another reason for choosing dental implants is because they help to protect your jawbone. Because the implant artificially replaces a real tooth root, it helps prevent bone resorption that occurs naturally after tooth loss.

What about the Surgery Required for Dental Implant Placement?

A short surgery is needed to place the dental implants, but here at West Bowmanville Family Dental, we can ensure the procedure is as smooth and as comfortable as possible. Many people are pleasantly surprised that recovery afterwards is so quick and straightforward. We have the latest technologies to help plan and place dental implants accurately. We use a cone beam CT scan to analyze and check your jawbone condition. The scan enables us to identify the best positions for each dental implant and plan your treatment.

We place every dental implant using guided surgery, with a computer-generated template that replicates your treatment plan. Using this template helps to ensure the surgery is faster and is as minimally invasive as possible. We can also use a treatment called platelet rich therapy, where a fibre matrix is made using your blood and helps accelerate healing after implant placement. It’s a way of harnessing your body’s natural ability to heal faster.

If you are concerned about the thought of oral surgery or feel at all nervous, please ask us about sedation dentistry in Courtice. It is an option that has helped many people overcome their anxieties or concerns about oral surgery. We have a range of sedation options, including nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation and IV conscious sedation, which will help you feel comfortable and relaxed during treatment.

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