What to Do If You Have Dental Anxiety

Here at West Bowmanville Family Dental, we know not everyone will feel entirely comfortable visiting us, no matter how hard we try to set them at ease. Dental anxiety is a very real thing, with an estimated 60% of people experiencing some form of anxiety when they see a dentist. Some people are so anxious that they will not visit the dentist at all and, unfortunately, will feel they have no other choice but to put up with pain and discomfort. But there is another option, and that is to choose sedation dentistry in Newcastle.

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Imagine if you could have anxiety-free dental appointments in Clarington where you can receive the dental treatment you need or desire comfortably and free from any dental fear. With sedation dentistry, this can become a reality, and we offer a range of sedation solutions that could help you.

Firstly, it’s important to reassure you that dentistry should be pain-free. We use a local anesthetic that blocks sensations of discomfort or pain for the duration of your treatment. Our dentist would never begin any procedure before your mouth is completely numb in the area that will receive treatment. Also, we continually check on our patients during any dental procedure, stopping regularly to make sure they feel comfortable to continue. Remember that you can stop your dental treatment at any time just by letting us know you feel uncomfortable.

We use a local anesthetic in conjunction with other forms of sedation dentistry to ensure you feel comfortable. Any sedative given is adjusted to counteract your level of anxiety, and options include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation and IV conscious sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is frequently used to help people feel more comfortable and relaxed during dental treatment. It’s more often known as laughing gas, and in some countries, they call it happy gas because it can produce a sensation similar to a mild euphoria. It’s a great treatment because you inhale the gas through a mask fitted over your nose. Once we remove the mask, you quickly feel back to normal, and it’s even safe for you to drive yourself home.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Nitrous oxide quite a light form of sedation, so if you need a little more help, we may suggest oral conscious sedation. We can prescribe a sedative that you take before your appointment so that by the time you see us for treatment, you already feel much more relaxed and calmer. We can enhance the effects of oral sedation with nitrous oxide during your treatment.

Intravenous Sedation

Intravenous sedation is given through an IV continuously during your treatment and produces a much deeper sense of calm compared with nitrous oxide and oral sedation. It is sometimes called twilight sedation because many people will feel so comfortable that they fall asleep. You can still communicate with our team, so we can check you feel relaxed and calm during your treatment. Afterwards, you may not remember anything about the procedure.

IV sedation is ideal for anyone with deep-seated dental anxiety or who needs more complicated and lengthier treatments such as dental implants in Courtice. Afterwards, you will need someone to take you home, and you will need to relax for the remainder of the day while you recover from the sedative.

Keeping You Safe During Sedation Dentistry

Your safety is our main priority. Before we administer any form of sedative, we review your medical history carefully to reduce any risks as much as possible. During treatment, we monitor you continuously and will keep you with us until we are sure you are ready to go home safely.

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