What to Do About Bad Breath?

Just about everyone will have bad breath occasionally, but the problem is more persistent for some. Halitosis, which is Latin for bad breath, can occur if you eat something containing lots of onions or garlic or if you smoke. While some people are super aware their breath may be less than fresh, others may not realize, only to be told by a well-meaning colleague, friend or relative. Not surprisingly, this can be embarrassing and distressing.

What Can Cause Bad Breath?

Typically, halitosis is caused by bacteria that have built up over your teeth and tongue and is often due to poor oral hygiene in Newcastle. Poor oral care can increase the risk of diseases like gum disease or cavities, making your breath smell. Other times, it may be due to a problem like dry mouth (xerostomia in Clarington), where your saliva glands cannot make enough saliva to keep your mouth clean and moist.

Sometimes, the problem isn’t related to oral health. A small number of cases of halitosis can be due to respiratory infections, gastrointestinal diseases, or tonsillitis. Some people think they may have bad breath when it’s fine, a problem called Halitophobia, or a fear of bad breath.

If you think you may have bad breath in Courtice, there are many things you can do about it. Initially, it can be worth visiting West Bowmanville Family Dental. If it is due to an untreated dental problem, we can quickly identify the cause and provide suitable treatment. Otherwise, if we suspect an underlying medical problem may be causing bad breath, we may suggest you visit your GP.

Treating Bad Breath

Treating bad breath may be as simple as booking a hygiene appointment so your teeth can be cleaned professionally. It’s a great treatment to freshen your breath, removing all plaque and tartar buildup and leaving you with beautifully clean, smooth, sparking teeth and fresher breath.

Our hygienist can also review your brushing and flossing routine if necessary and offer useful pointers to improve it. Their advice can make a surprising difference to your overall dental health.

If you have any dental problems, such as gum disease or cavities, we can provide a suitable treatment plan to help restore dental health. Our dentist will review the treatment plan with you and explain how each procedure will help, the time required and the costs.

Tips for Avoiding Bad Breath

Following a good oral care routine will help reduce the risk of bad breath. Ensure you brush your teeth at least twice daily, using fluoride toothpaste. After brushing, spit out the excess, but don’t rinse so your teeth remain coated with a thin layer of fluoride a bit longer. Ensure you floss daily as otherwise impacted food and plaque trapped between your teeth will soon cause problems like tooth decay and gum disease. If you aren’t sure how to floss or want some tips and advice, please just ask; our friendly dental team will be delighted to help you. Many people like to use mouthwash, but be sure to choose an alcohol-free brand, preferably one that provides oral health benefits, for example, antimicrobial or contains fluoride.

Anyone with dry mouth should be sure to drink enough throughout the day. You can buy over-the-counter sprays or mouth rinses designed to counteract this problem, or talk to us about ways to help ensure your mouth remains moist and more comfortable. This is important as the drier conditions allow harmful bacteria to thrive. When someone has dry mouth, we may recommend more frequent hygiene appointments, as getting rid of plaque and tartar buildup more often will help you maintain good oral health more easily. Lastly, be sure to visit us regularly for dental checkups.

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