What is Dental Bonding? What are the Alternative Treatments?

If you have a small chip or crack in a tooth or have a discoloured tooth that cannot be whitened easily, one possible treatment is dental bonding in Newcastle. The procedure is quick, cost-effective and non-invasive, using tooth-coloured composite resin to mend the tooth and restore appearance.

When to Choose Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding in Clarington can be very effective in hiding imperfections in teeth and fixing small problems. The tooth-coloured composite resin can repair a decayed, cracked or chipped tooth. It can change the shape of a tooth that is perhaps too small, less optimally shaped or worn. For example, if you have a tooth that is too short, a dentist can use composite resin to increase its length. The treatment can also close or reduce small gaps between teeth that perhaps look unsightly or act as food traps.

What Is the Process for Dental Bonding?

Before you could have this treatment, you will need to see our dentist at West Bowmanville Family Dental to ensure it is the best and most appropriate option for you. If you decide to go ahead, the dentist chooses a shade of tooth-coloured composite resin that closely matches the natural colour of your teeth. It’s not unusual for dentists to use several shades to get a more exact match and natural-looking appearance.

Your tooth is then coated with a special liquid that etches the tooth, creating a rougher surface and a better bond between the tooth and the composite resin. The etching fluid is removed and the tooth dried, and the composite resin is applied in small increments. The resin is regularly hardened using light, and once all the material is in place, it is carefully shaped and contoured before being polished to a natural lustre or sheen.

What to Expect When You Have Dental Bonding?

The material used during dental bonding is relatively hard-wearing, but it can chip or break. You can avoid this by ensuring you treat your teeth gently and don’t bite into anything very hard such as ice cubes or chew on pencils or fingernails. If a habit could damage your teeth, it will almost certainly damage a bonded tooth as well. Another thing to bear in mind is that composite resin can stain and discolour after a few years and need replacing to restore appearance. You can slow down staining by avoiding highly coloured foods and drinks and practicing good oral hygiene.

Are the Alternative Treatments to Dental Bonding?

An alternative treatment to dental bonding is porcelain veneers. One advantage of choosing porcelain veneers in Courtice is that porcelain does not stain or discolour, so that these restorations will last longer. However, they do cost a bit more initially. Porcelain veneers are indirect restorations, meaning they are made outside the mouth instead of dental bonding, where the dentist creates the restoration chairside.

Porcelain Veneers

A porcelain veneer is a thin shell of durable porcelain fitted onto the front surface of a tooth. It is bonded onto the tooth surface and can hide numerous imperfections in the shape, size, and tooth appearance. While dental bonding is often used on just one or two teeth, porcelain veneers can cover multiple teeth to create a perfect appearance. Teeth do need to be reshaped, removing a small amount of tooth enamel to make room for the veneer. Teeth are prepared using local anesthetic to ensure you do not feel any discomfort. Unlike dental bonding that will only last a few years, porcelain veneers can last ten years or more if you look after them well.

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