What Causes Crooked Teeth and What to Do About This Problem

Many people have crooked teeth, which can cause other problems, such as problems with biting and chewing food, speech problems and difficulties cleaning teeth thoroughly, which could increase the risk of gum disease or tooth decay. As a result, they may need to see a dentist in Bowmanville for restorative dental care. Additionally, having a poor bite and teeth that are misaligned can affect self-confidence and self-esteem, even if these teeth are perfectly healthy and strong. But what causes misaligned teeth?

Oral Habits

Sometimes oral habits can cause a bad bite or malocclusion, especially those habits that occur during childhood. These include thumb and finger sucking beyond age three or four, prolonged pacifier use, mouth breathing and tongue thrusting. Poor dental care, where baby teeth are lost too soon, can result in misaligned adult teeth in Newcastle.


Some people inherit a less optimal facial structure, and while early orthodontics can help to guide the growth of the jaws and teeth in younger children, not everyone has access to this treatment. Some people who received orthodontic care during their childhood will have seen their teeth shift position as they have got older, a problem called orthodontic relapse in Clarington. The problem can occur when someone fails to wear their retainers regularly after finishing orthodontic treatment. Retainers are essential in ensuring teeth remain in the corrected positions after braces are removed and, ideally, need to be worn regularly for life.


Facial injuries can affect how the jaws are aligned, causing problems with tooth misalignment. If teeth are knocked out following a dental injury and are not replaced, the remaining teeth can shift position, affecting the bite and appearance.

What to Do If Your Smile Is Less than Straight

If you are concerned that your teeth are not as straight as you would like, there are options available that could help you achieve the straighter smile of your dreams. One possibility is to consider cosmetic dentistry.

Which Cosmetic Dental Treatments Could Help to Straighten Teeth?

Teeth that are not quite straight, especially if they are too small or worn down, could benefit from porcelain veneers. These consist of thin shells of porcelain covering the front surface of a tooth, creating a more cosmetically perfect appearance. Teeth that are decayed or broken down in addition to being misaligned might be brought back into alignment with porcelain crowns that cover the entire tooth. A crown will protect the tooth underneath while restoring its appearance. However, suppose your teeth are perfectly nicely shaped and strong and healthy but are just crooked. In that case, Invisalign could be a suitable solution, and we can provide this option at West Bowmanville Family Dental.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Invisalign is an adult-oriented braces system that can also be suitable for older teens. Instead of braces, clear, tightly fitting plastic aligners are custom-made to fit over teeth, gradually moving them into the correct positions to create a straighter, more attractive smile. Although Invisalign in Courtice will take longer to complete than veneers or crowns, it can be the most conservative treatment choice. Teeth remain fully intact and are not modified in any way but are simply shifted to the proper positions.

Treatment is extremely discreet, as the aligners are almost invisible once in the mouth, and you need to look pretty closely to see them. Using Invisalign to correct the position of teeth will also help to ensure these teeth bite together properly. A proper bite protects your oral health, ensuring your teeth will not wear down unevenly. It also protects your jaw joints so they are not placed under undue pressure, can function optimally, and are pain-free.

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