Too Anxious or Embarrassed to See a Dentist? We are Here to Help

If you have ever felt too anxious or embarrassed to schedule that dental appointment, this article is for you. Many people avoid seeing a dentist in Newcastle because they feel too awkward or embarrassed by their dental problems. Others avoid dental care because of a bad experience with dentists or, because they feel very anxious about having dental work done or have sensitive teeth and gums. If this sounds familiar, please don’t worry, as you are not alone, and you can trust us that there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Our friendly West Bowmanville Family Dental dental team is warm, welcoming, and compassionate. We know it can take a lot of effort to come and see us and overcome fears and anxieties, and we never judge. Our dentists are used to seeing people who were unable to visit a dentist previously until their dental pain got too bad to tolerate. When you come to see us, we aim to change your perception of dentistry, providing gentle dental care and working with you to restore your oral health. From our perspective, it’s incredibly rewarding to see someone overcome their fear or embarrassment and regain a healthy, attractive smile.

Helping You Conquer Fears and Anxieties

Dental fears and phobias are very common, and even people with great dental health will feel a little bit of anxiety when coming to visit us. One of the first things we can do when we meet you is simply talk with you, get to know you and understand your concerns so we can determine how best to help you. We aim to develop long-term relationships with our patients based on mutual trust, providing dental care respectfully and at a pace you can tolerate. It’s important to remember that the first appointment is simply a dental exam, so no treatment is provided unless you are in dental pain, in which case we can provide emergency dentistry in Courtice to relieve discomfort.

Coping Strategies for Dental Fears

There are several ways to cope with dental anxieties, such as ensuring you are in control. For example, when you receive treatment, knowing you can stop it simply by raising your hand or by some other prearranged signal can be enormously helpful. We always check on patients regularly in case they need a break. Some people find it useful to listen to music to distract them or to practice deep breathing techniques before their appointment. Otherwise, another option is sedation dentistry in Clarington.

When to Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry can be a useful option if you need extensive or lengthy treatment to help restore dental health or are very anxious or nervous about the thought of dental care. Various options are available, ranging from light sedation like Nitrous oxide or laughing gas to intravenous sedation, which is sometimes called twilight or sleep dentistry because you feel so deeply relaxed during treatment. With nitrous oxide, you will be able to drive yourself home. With other sedation options, you will need someone to take you home afterwards. We take every precaution to ensure sedation dentistry is very safe, reviewing your medical history and monitoring you closely during this procedure.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

After restoring your dental health, we can work with you to ensure you can maintain it easily. Our dental team can ensure you use the best brushing and flossing techniques. If you struggle with flossing, we can discuss other tools to try. Regular dental checkups and cleans allow us to monitor your dental health, so if there are any small changes, we can detect and deal with them promptly before any major discomfort or pain occurs. Regular dental visits will also help to build confidence so you can banish dental fears and anxieties for good.

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