Root Canal vs Tooth Extraction: Which is Best?

If you develop a severe toothache in Bowmanville, two possible treatments might be root canal therapy or tooth extraction. Both can get rid of the pain and infection. Both are very different.

Root canal treatment in Newcastle is recommended when we feel a tooth can be saved. We will only suggest a tooth be removed after exploring other options first. Ideally, we always prefer to protect and preserve natural teeth and regard tooth extractions as a last resort.

However, some patients may feel that an extraction is better because it is quick and affordable. That isn’t necessarily true. Understanding both options will help you make an informed choice.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

This procedure removes the infection in a tooth, eliminating pain so it can be restored afterwards. During root canal therapy, the central part of the tooth called the dental pulp, is removed.

The dental pulp is a collection of soft tissues, including the tooth nerve, which is why it feels painful, connective tissues and blood vessels. These tissues extend into the tooth roots or root canals, which must be cleaned thoroughly using specially shaped files. After the tooth pulp and root canals are cleaned, they are disinfected and sealed.

The final part of the treatment is restoring the tooth; usually, a dental crown in Clarington is needed. After root canal therapy, a tooth can become more brittle and may have lost quite a bit of its original structure, so it needs the protection provided by a full dental crown.

The crown will restore the tooth’s shape, size and appearance so it looks and feels natural. If the tooth was decayed and broken down, the new crown may help improve its appearance.

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is necessary when a tooth is too badly damaged to restore, for example, if it has lost much of its original structure or has a crack through the tooth root. It may also be necessary to remove a tooth if it has a severe dental abscess and where the structures around the teeth are also infected. Removing it allows the infection to drain. After removing the tooth, the empty socket may be stitched closed or left to heal naturally.

Both treatments are performed using local anesthetic, so you can be sure you will not feel any discomfort. But the results are very different. While root canal therapy provides a way of restoring your natural teeth, removing a tooth leaves you with a gap that must be filled.

Is Root Canal Therapy Worth It?

The answer has to be yes. Although root canal therapy may initially be more expensive than an extraction, the costs can be lower in the longer term. Various treatments, such as a dental bridge, dental implant in Courtice, or a denture, can restore missing teeth. However, there’s nothing quite like having your own teeth; ultimately, these replacements may lead to higher costs over your lifetime.

Tooth extraction may seem a quick and easy solution, but you have to consider how to restore the tooth later. If you leave a gap in your mouth, you are putting your remaining natural teeth at risk. These teeth will move towards the space, destabilizing them and creating an imbalance in your mouth that will affect your bite.

If you have a tooth that has started to feel a little uncomfortable or painful, please come and see us at West Bowmanville Family Dental for a proper diagnosis. We can soon determine if the tooth is infected or damaged in any way and, most importantly, if root canal therapy is appropriate. The sooner we can treat a damaged tooth, the better the outcome.

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