Reasons for Seeing Your Dentist Regularly

We realize that your six-monthly visit to West Bowmanville Family Dental might not be your most fun appointment, but it is important to attend. If you feel your dental health is okay, you may wonder why you need to see our dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings in Newcastle.

You might be considering skipping a dental checkup because of the time needed or because you feel slightly anxious about seeing a dentist. But, not attending regular dental checkups carries a risk, and in the long term, you could end up with higher dental costs, not to mention dental discomfort or even pain.

Reducing Your Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Even if you brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day and floss daily, there are always some small areas that are missed and where plaque can quickly build up. The problem with plaque is that it hardens into tartar or calculus, a substance that cannot be removed except during your regular dental cleaning.

Both plaque and calculus contain harmful bacteria that thrive on leftover food particles. These bacteria produce acid and toxins as a by-product. The acid weakens tooth enamel, eventually eroding it to such a degree that cavities form. The toxins infect your gums, causing inflammation and gum disease, a serious condition that can destroy your gums and the bone around them. In the worst case, gum disease causes tooth loss and may even impact your general health.

Professionally cleaning your teeth reduces your risk of getting cavities and gum disease by removing all plaque and tartar buildup. The fewer harmful bacteria in your mouth, the more easily your mouth can maintain a neutral pH and fight any infection and disease. The result is a mouth that feels beautifully clean and fresh, and teeth that sparkle with health.

Oral Cancer Detection

Although still quite rare, oral cancer is a serious disease often detected late in the day. Our Clarington dentist is trained to recognize the early signs and symptoms of oral cancer and can carry out regular screenings during your checkups. When oral cancer is diagnosed and treated during its early stages, treatment is likely to be much more successful.

Checking for Bad Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Pearly Whites

Lots of people have bad habits that can negatively affect their oral health. While some, like smoking, are obvious, you may be less aware of other habits that could be causing problems. These habits include biting your nails, chewing on ice cubes, grinding your teeth during your sleep, and even brushing teeth too hard can wear away your gums, causing them to recede.

Our Courtice dentist will carefully examine your teeth and gums during every checkup and can detect any signs of problems. For example, crunching on ice or biting your nails can cause tiny fractures in your teeth or even chips and cracks. Becoming more aware of these issues can help people quit bad habits, and if needed, we can provide restorative treatment to mend any small signs of damage to your teeth. Teeth grinding and clenching are particularly harmful to teeth and can wear down tooth enamel, causing signs like unwanted tooth sensitivity. The habit can also affect your jaw joints, creating inflammation and pain in your joints and facial muscles. Often, treatment is as easy as wearing a custom-made nightguard during sleep to prevent this habit.

Regularly seeing a dentist can give you peace of mind, knowing any small problems are detected and can be treated more easily, and it’s a great feeling when you get a clean bill of health and don’t need to see us again for another six months.

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