Protecting Your Family’s Teeth During Sports with a Mouth Guard

We know that many people in Newcastle play sports regularly and that these recreational activities are frequently important for general health and well-being. However, we often see dental injuries caused by participating in sports. The severity of many of these injuries could have been reduced or even eliminated entirely had a well-fitting custom sports mouth guard been worn.

Any injury to your teeth can be very upsetting, and especially if you knock out or severely damage a tooth. It is also worth remembering that dental injuries will often require a lifetime of restorative dental care, and a mouthguard is a far more cost-effective solution!

Who Should Wear a Sports Mouth Guard?

Sometimes it is easy to know when you should be wearing a mouth guard, and our national sport has seen the demise of many a smile! However, there are lots of other sports where it is best to wear a mouthguard. Ideally, you should wear a mouth guard when playing contact and non-contact sports where there is any risk you could take a blow to the mouth.

How Can Mouth Guards Prevent Injuries?

A mouth guard is specifically designed to cushion your teeth, gums and jaws. Often, they are made to be slightly thicker in critical areas to provide maximum protection. Our mouth guards are fabricated from a durable material that is taste and odour-free. Mouth guards can help to prevent several types of injuries including:

• Tooth fractures

• Avulsed (knocked out) teeth

• Gum injuries

• Lesions in the cheeks or lips

• Jaw fractures

• Tongue injuries

In addition to protecting your smile, a custom mouth guard could help to reduce the risk of concussion.

Why Choose a Custom Mouth Guard?

You can walk into any pharmacy or sporting goods store in Clarington and can purchase an over-the-counter mouth guard for just a few dollars, so why is this a poor choice? While these mouthguards might be cheap, they cannot offer any real protection and are usually very uncomfortable to wear. Because they are sized to fit any mouth, they are prone to falling out or becoming dislodged more easily. You could find they make it difficult to talk clearly, or even to breathe easily. When something feels this awkward in the mouth, it is often easier and extremely tempting to leave it out altogether, leaving your teeth or your family’s teeth with zero protection.

Now, contrast that with wearing a mouth guard designed expressly to fit your mouth. It is shaped to fit around your gums and is smooth and comfortable to wear. It will easily remain in place while you concentrate on enjoying your sports, safe in the knowledge that your teeth are as well protected as possible.

How Long Will a Custom Mouth Guard Last?

When you visit us for your regular checkups and hygiene appointments here at West Bowmanville Family Dental, we can assess the condition and fit of your sports mouth guard. Provided you care for your mouth guard correctly, it should last quite awhile. Make sure you clean it thoroughly after each use and store it away from any direct heat source. Kids may need their mouth guard replacing more frequently as their teeth and jaws develop. This is still far preferable to coping with the distress of a dental injury and all the follow-up care required.

It doesn’t take very long to fabricate a custom mouth guard, and the process is very comfortable. We just need to take a detailed dental impression using our digital scanner, so no need for messy impressions! If you would like to protect your teeth, or your family’s teeth while enjoying sports in Courtice, please contact us to arrange your appointment.

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