Options for Mending a Chipped Tooth

Many people have experienced that unpleasant sensation of finding a bit of a broken tooth while chewing or feeling a tooth crumble as they bite down. Unfortunately, having a chipped tooth in Newcastle is a very common problem, but the good news is that dentists can fix this issue.

What Can Cause a Chipped Tooth?

You may chip a tooth for various reasons, and one of the most common is chewing on a hard or crunchy food such as a nut, hard candy or ice cubes. Sometimes, the problem is due to an accident such as a nasty fall or car accident. It is all too easy to take a blow to the mouth during sporting activities, including noncontact sports. If you have an oral piercing, such as a bar in your tongue, your teeth are more at risk of becoming chipped.

What to Do If You Chip a Tooth?

If you chip or crack a tooth, get in touch with us here at West Bowmanville Family Dental. We can provide useful advice over the phone and will schedule an appointment as soon as possible. It is important to come and see our dentist in Bowmanville, even if the crack or chip seems tiny and doesn’t cause any discomfort. This is because it can still allow harmful decay-causing bacteria to enter the tooth. There is the risk that a small untreated chip or crack could worsen without treatment into something more serious. It will cost more to fix, and there could even be the risk of losing the tooth if a severe infection develops.

How Can a Chipped Tooth Be Mended?

There are several treatments available, depending on the severity of the damage.

Dental Bonding

When a chip or crack is relatively minor, we can often mend it using dental bonding, where composite resin is applied directly to the tooth to bond it together. The composite resin is tooth-coloured, so the restoration will blend in beautifully, and treatment is quick, non-invasive, and inexpensive. Dental bonding can last for several years before it needs replacing.

Dental Crown

If a chip or crack is more severe, resulting in the loss of quite a bit of tooth structure, for example, if you have a large untreated cavity that eventually crumbles away, you might need a dental crown in Clarington. The crown covers the entire tooth, restoring its strength, structure and appearance. We can provide beautiful, strong, durable porcelain crowns that match your natural teeth seamlessly. A dental crown is long-lasting and, with the right care, can last for ten years or more.

Porcelain Veneer

A small chip or crack in a front tooth can sometimes be covered with a porcelain veneer, a thin shell of material covering only the front surface. It is custom-made to fit precisely over the tooth and is bonded in place. Porcelain veneers are also very durable, with good ongoing dental care and maintenance.

Root Canal Therapy

If the damage to the tooth has resulted in infection or inflammation affecting the dental pulp right in the tooth centre, then you may need root canal therapy in Courtice. An infected or inflamed dental pulp can be very painful, and treatment will eliminate the discomfort and save the tooth from extraction. Afterwards, you will need a dental crown to restore the tooth fully, but the tooth should last for years or for life.

Avoiding a Chipped Tooth

Sometimes, it is impossible to avoid chipping a tooth, but other times, you might be able to reduce the risk. For example, a custom-made sports mouthguard provides maximum protection for teeth during sports. Regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments allow us to identify any damage or decay and treat it promptly, reducing the risk of biting down on a tooth that is crumbling and weakened by a cavity.

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