How to Correct Unevenly Aligned Teeth?

Everyone wants to smile and laugh confidently, but this can be a problem if your teeth are less than perfectly aligned. It is a very common problem and teeth, but there are several ways to correct this issue. Some methods, such as dental contouring and bonding in Newcastle, are quick, non-invasive, and affordable. Others, like veneers, crowns, or braces, will take longer and are more complex.

Why Do Teeth Become Misaligned?

Teeth can become unevenly aligned because of problems with overcrowding, where there may be insufficient room to accommodate all the teeth in your jaw. As you get older, teeth can begin to move, even in people who may have had orthodontic treatment in Clarington as children. Other problems like teeth grinding and clenching or trauma can all lead to misaligned teeth. While some misalignment problems are purely cosmetic, others can have a more serious impact on your bite. When this is the case, it may mean teeth wear unevenly, or you develop problems with your jaw joints that can be painful. Correcting problems with misalignment can help prevent these problems from developing.

If you have a crooked smile, the best solution is to see our dentist here at West Bowmanville Family Dental. They can gently assess your teeth and jaws to determine why your teeth are misaligned and discuss the best way to correct this issue.

Correcting Cosmetically Oriented Problems with Crooked Teeth

If the problems affecting the alignment of your teeth are mainly cosmetic, they may be easy to correct with dental bonding and contouring. With this treatment, your teeth are bonded using tooth-coloured composite resin to help create a more perfect alignment and shape. Sometimes treatment is combined with contouring, where a tiny amount of tooth enamel is removed to help improve the overall aesthetics.

Another option is to have porcelain veneers, where it is usually necessary to remove a thin layer of tooth enamel in preparation for the veneers. Each veneer is custom-made to fit precisely over the tooth, creating a more cosmetically perfect appearance and alignment. Although porcelain veneers are more expensive than dental bonding and contouring, the treatment will last longer but is most likely irreversible because of the need to remove some tooth structure. However, the results can be stunning.

Sometimes it can be useful to consider braces, and if the problems only affect your front teeth, treatment can be relatively quick. For example, Invisalign aligners can effectively straighten your front teeth, sometimes within just a few months, to create a more perfect smile. Once treatment is complete, you can reassess your smile afterwards to see if you wish to make any minor adjustments, such as hiding less than perfect teeth with veneers or using dental bonding to make them more cosmetically appealing.

Correcting Problems Affecting Your Bite

Orthodontic treatment can correct more serious problems affecting your bite while helping to improve the overall appearance of your teeth in Courtice. Invisalign is extremely effective and can correct most common bite problems, including those that are more complex. Treatment is extremely discreet as the clear plastic aligners are virtually invisible, so it’s an excellent choice for anyone who dislikes the thought of more visible fixed braces. Because the aligners are removable, they are super easy to use, and there is no need to change your eating habits or oral care routine. One especially nice aspect of this treatment is the ability to see the predicted results before you begin. Using Invisalign’s proprietary software, we can produce virtual images showing how your teeth will look once they are beautifully straight.

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