How to Cope with Tooth Sensitivity

Is it sometimes painful to sit a hot drink or enjoy ice cream? Do your teeth occasionally twinge when you brush or floss? You may have sensitive teeth, and there are several reasons why people can develop tooth sensitivity in Newcastle.

Reasons for tooth sensitivity include crumbling or worn fillings, untreated cavities or tooth decay or having teeth that are fractured or cracked. Even a tiny crack in a tooth will open up as you bite down, letting in sensations that cause sensitivity or pain.

Other causes of tooth sensitivity include worn tooth enamel that exposes the dentin underneath because dentin is much softer and more easily penetrated than tooth enamel and consists of microscopic tubules that are hollow tubes tightly packed together. Usually, these tubules are protected by enamel. If your enamel is eroded or cracked or chipped in any way, these tubules allow the sensations created by hot or cold foods or anything very acidic to reach the tooth nerve right in the center of the tooth.

Tooth roots can become exposed, and especially if you have gum disease that has caused gum recession. Unlike your teeth, tooth roots are not protected with tooth enamel and instead are covered with cementum. This much softer substance is easily eroded or brushed away, exposing the dentin underneath.

How to Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

If you do have tooth sensitivity, make an appointment to see a dentist in Clarington. When you visit West Bowmanville Family Dental, our dentist can examine your teeth and diagnose the reason for your tooth sensitivity. A proper diagnosis is crucial when you experience any symptoms of discomfort or pain as leaving the problem and untreated could allow it to worsen.

Professional Dental Care for Tooth Sensitivity

If needed, we can provide suitable treatment for tooth decay or failing fillings and can restore damaged teeth. Treatment may mean replacing an ageing filling or treating a new area of decay with a suitable filling material. Dental bonding can repair teeth that may be cracked or chipped.

Large areas of decay may need a different form of treatment, such as a porcelain onlay or inlay that can repair larger cavities affecting your back teeth. A dental crown can protect the entire tooth that is more extensively damaged. If you have severe and persistent tooth sensitivity, your dental pulp may have become inflamed or infected, and you might need root canal therapy in Courtice.
If your tooth roots have become exposed for any reason, they may need restorative fillings. Sometimes a surgical gum graft is needed to protect the tooth root and reduce sensitivity. It is a sophisticated treatment where tissue is taken from another area of your mouth and grafted over the exposed tooth root.

There are other treatments as well that can help reduce tooth sensitivity, such as topical applications of fluoride to strengthen your tooth enamel. Strengthening your tooth enamel will help reduce unpleasant sensations transmitted through the enamel and your dentin.

Treating Tooth Sensitivity Home

If you have any mild tooth sensitivity and no other signs of dental disease, it can be worth using desensitizing toothpaste that is specially made for sensitive teeth. Desensitizing toothpaste contains compounds that work by gradually blocking the tubules in your dentin, preventing the transmission of sensations to your tooth nerve. The effect of this toothpaste is cumulative, so you will gradually begin to feel the benefits after using it continuously for a week or two.

With the proper care, you can eliminate tooth sensitivity and will soon be able to enjoy a soothing hot drink or refreshing icy beverage without a twinge.

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