Easy Ways to Produce More Saliva

Dry mouth or xerostomia in Newcastle is uncomfortable and can damage your dental health. A lack of saliva increases the risk of bad breath, makes it harder to chew and swallow food properly, and increases the risk of oral diseases like tooth decay and gum disease.

Although dry mouth occurs more frequently in older people, it can affect anyone at any age and is a common side-effect of many prescription and over-the-counter medications. If you have xerostomia in Clarington, you can take some easy steps to help keep your mouth moist and more comfortable.

Sip on Water Frequently

Water is the best liquid to keep your mouth moist and your body well hydrated. Ensure you take small sips frequently throughout the day, and while this may not be sufficient to combat the symptoms of xerostomia, it won’t do any harm.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum or Suck on Sugar-Free Candies

You may find it useful to chew sugar-free gum to help stimulate saliva production or to suck on sugar-free candies. However, this tip should be used with caution as it’s important to ensure your chosen products do not contain any sugar, and even sugar-free candies can affect your mouth’s natural pH levels and may make it more acidic. Ideally, look for brands that contain xylitol, a sugar substitute that can disrupt the action of harmful bacteria in dental plaque, decreasing the risk of cavities.

Purchase a Spray for Dry Mouth

You can purchase an over-the-counter mouth spray that helps quickly moisten your mouth, providing instant relief from xerostomia while helping freshen your breath. If you are unsure what to buy, ask us for advice next time you visit West Bowmanville Family Dental.

Use Oral Mouthwash for Dry Mouth

Using a mouthwash specially formulated for xerostomia can be useful in helping to keep your mouth moist, comfortable, and clean. However, it’s important to choose the right brand, as not all mouthwashes will help relieve the symptoms of dry mouth. Some contain alcohol that will dry out your mouth further and should be avoided. When you visit our dentist in Bowmanville, we can always discuss which brand is worth trying.

Choose Foods and Beverages Carefully

Certain foods and drinks can dry out your mouth more than others. These include coffee, alcohol and soda while eating spicy or salty foods can worsen xerostomia. When you have these foods, rinse your mouth with water afterwards, as this will help wash away any loose food particles, restore a more neutral pH more quickly, and moisten your mouth.

Minimizing the Impact of Xerostomia on Dental Health

If you have a dry mouth, discuss this problem with us next time you visit our dental office. We can work with you to minimize the impact on your dental health. For example, we may suggest you come and see us more frequently for hygiene appointments. Removing plaque and tartar buildup more often can help protect your dental health and reduce the risk of oral diseases like tooth decay and gum disease. Our dental team can discuss your oral care routine at home and make helpful suggestions on improving it, such as using the right brushing and flossing techniques or different tools to try.

We can also review any medicines with you to see if these may be causing the problem. It could be worth visiting your GP to talk with them about any prescription medications in case they can prescribe something different or alter the dosage. Please note that you should always discuss this with them first and should never stop taking prescription medicines without proper medical advice.

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