Easy Ways to Improve Your Dental Health

Many people think about improving their overall health at this time of year, but your dental health is equally important. Healthy teeth and gums can help protect you against developing serious conditions like respiratory illnesses, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. Even better, improving your dental health in Newcastle is often easy, quick and affordable. Here are some easy tips to get you started.

Brush Your Teeth At Least Twice a Day

Yes, it’s basic advice, but brushing your teeth at least twice daily is important. Ideally, ensure you brush your teeth soon after you get up and just before going to sleep. When brushing, spend at least two minutes cleaning all tooth surfaces thoroughly, ensuring you remove the maximum amount of dental plaque and food debris.

Replace Your Toothbrush Frequently

If it’s been a while since you replaced your toothbrush, take a look at the bristles, and if they look worn or splayed, throw it out and begin the New Year with a nice new toothbrush. Aim to replace your toothbrush every three months or as soon as it looks worn. A worn toothbrush cannot clean your mouth effectively. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles that will not damage your teeth and gums while still cleaning your teeth effectively.

Floss Daily

Daily flossing might seem like a chore, but it’s essential for healthy teeth and gums. Your toothbrush cannot remove food and plaque debris stuck between your teeth; these areas account for around a third of all tooth surfaces. There are many ways to clean in between your teeth effectively, not just conventional dental floss. For example, you might want to try a water pik or interdental brushes instead.

If you find flossing makes your gums bleed, persevere; this is a sign that you may have early gum disease or gingivitis in Clarington. It also indicates that you should book an appointment with a dentist for a checkup at West Bowmanville Family Dental. The sooner we can treat early signs of gum disease, the more likely this condition is entirely reversible.

Take Care of Your Tongue

The tongue is often neglected but can harbour bacteria. Try brushing your tongue gently with your toothbrush or purchase a tongue scraper. The more effectively you remove bacteria from your mouth, the better your oral hygiene. It’s also a great way to help freshen your breath.

Eat Well

A nutritious diet helps protect not only your overall health but also your dental health. It ensures your body has plenty of nutrients to maintain strong and healthy gums and a strong jawbone. Ensure your diet includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein like chicken and fish. Dairy products are packed full of calcium, a mineral important for healthy teeth and gums. Just ensure you choose sugar-free dairy.

Watch Your Sugar Intake

Many of us consumed far too much sugar in foods and beverages during the holiday season. Now is the time to review your intake and try to cut down if necessary. Sugary foods feed harmful bacteria, and these bacteria create toxins that infect and inflame your gums and acids that erode tooth enamel, increasing your risk of cavities. When you eat something sugary, rinse your mouth with water afterwards to help remove loose particles and reduce acidity levels more quickly.

Visit Us Regularly

Lastly, make time to schedule your dental checkups and hygiene appointments. Most people must visit a dentist in Courtice every six months, and booking well in advance ensures you get a suitable time for your needs. Dental checkups and cleans are the easiest way to maintain a healthy smile and it’s your chance to discuss any concerns or ask questions.

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