Don’t Let a Dental Emergency Ruin Your Vacation

Vacation season is fast approaching, and many people will be looking forward to a well-earned break, so you want to make sure you can enjoy it to the full. But, are you up-to-date with your dental checkups in Newcastle?

Regular Professional Dental Care Can Help Prevent a Dental Emergency

Often people go to a great deal of trouble when planning and preparing for their vacation, while essential preventative dental care is frequently overlooked. A dental emergency has the potential to ruin your time away. It isn’t always easy to find a good emergency dentist, and of course, they won’t have any of your dental records, and you won’t know anybody in the dental office, or you may not even speak the same language. Although it isn’t always possible to prevent accidental damage to a tooth, other problems such as a bad toothache caused by infection are frequently avoidable.

When you see a dentist in Clarington for a checkup, they will carefully assess your teeth and gums for any signs of problems, often before you are aware anything is wrong. If you have any cavities or perhaps have a filling that is nearing its sell-by date, then the proper treatment will help to reduce your risk of a dental emergency. Avoiding necessary preventative dental care greatly increases your risk of a nasty tooth infection that could require root canal treatment. While root canal treatment is nothing to be feared, it’s certainly not something you want to spend time on during your vacation. It could be especially worthwhile getting a checkup if you’ve recently noticed a tooth has become more sensitive to hot or cold or occasionally feels painful or tender, or that a gum has begun to bleed when you brush or floss.

Give Your Smile a Pre-Vacation Boost

Most people will benefit from six monthly professional cleanings with one of our experienced hygienists, and it’s a great idea to book a hygiene appointment at the same time as your checkup. By doing so, you can get all your essential dental care completed in one comfortable visit and a hygiene appointment is a great way to freshen up your smile. When you see a dental hygienist in Courtice, they will carefully scale your teeth, a process that removes all hardened plaque, called calculus or tartar from your teeth. Tartar tends to build up just around the gum line and can look yellowish in appearance. Removing it can help to rejuvenate your smile, especially as your teeth are polished at the end of treatment. It’s a really nice way to give your smile a bit of a boost before you go away.

Don’t Forget to Pack Your Toothbrush

When you pack for your vacation, don’t forget to take your toothbrush, and if it’s electric then pack the charger too. Make sure you have your favourite brand of toothpaste and plenty of dental floss, especially if you’re going somewhere off the beaten track or more exotic and where it’s harder to buy regular brands. It can be easy to forget about your usual dental routine, but it only takes a few minutes a day, can is even more important while on vacation because you’re more likely to be snacking in between meals or enjoying more sugary foods such as ice-cream or sweet cocktails.

If it’s been a while since you visited us here at West Bowmanville Family Dental, and you are about to go away on vacation, why not contact us to schedule a checkup?

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