Can You Catch Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or gingivitis, is the initial stage of periodontal disease. If left untreated, gingivitis will soon progress into periodontal disease, which is far more destructive and is even linked to many serious health problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses and dementia. It is important to take any signs of gingivitis in Bowmanville very seriously.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease is due to dental plaque buildup, a sticky biofilm that gradually builds up over tooth surfaces and contains harmful bacteria. It is also the substance responsible for tooth decay. Usually, plaque is removed when you brush and floss your teeth regularly, but any that remains combines with food and saliva, hardening into calculus or tartar. The bacteria in plaque and tartar release harmful toxins that trigger an inflammatory response, resulting in inflamed and infected gums. These same bacteria also release acids that attack tooth enamel, weakening the enamel over time and eventually causing cavities.

However, it might surprise you to know that gum disease is contagious.

How Can You Catch Gum Disease?

Bacteria can be transferred from one person to another through saliva. In theory, this means you can catch gingivitis simply by kissing someone else. But the risk is low unless you kiss someone with particularly bad oral hygiene and who already has gum disease in Newcastle. Children can receive the bacteria that cause gum disease if their parents have this condition because they will likely receive affectionate kisses or share utensils with them. Another way bacteria can be transferred from one person to another is if you share toothbrushes. No matter how close you are, you should never share your toothbrush with anyone.

What Are the Signs of Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is often called a silent disease because the early symptoms are mild and easily overlooked. You might notice that your gums bleed slightly when you brush or floss, look red, swollen, and feel tender to the touch. Sometimes, this symptom isn’t present at all, especially among smokers, as smoking constricts blood vessels in gums, so they are less likely to bleed. Healthy gums are pink, not swollen and shouldn’t bleed.

You may also notice that your teeth and gums feel more sensitive, especially because gum disease eventually causes gum recession. When your gums recede, they expose your tooth roots that aren’t covered in tooth enamel, making them more sensitive when you eat or drink anything very hot or cold.

When the disease worsens into periodontal disease, it can cause other symptoms like bad breath and an unpleasant taste that you cannot eliminate, even if you brush your teeth or use mouthwash. At some stage, severe gum disease will result in loose teeth because it destroys the bone surrounding your teeth and the ligaments that hold teeth in their sockets. You may notice that your bite has changed or that your teeth are so loose you can even wobble them with your tongue.

But there is some good news, as gum disease is preventable.

Preventing Gingivitis

At West Bowmanville Family Dental, we much prefer to help our patients prevent oral diseases like gum disease in Clarington, which is easily achievable. Maintaining strong and healthy gums is simply a matter of ensuring you have a good oral care routine, including twice-daily brushing and once-a-day flossing, as well as regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments. Regularly removing as much plaque bacteria as possible helps ensure your gums cannot become infected and inflamed. Regular dental checkups in Courtice allow us to detect any early symptoms like bleeding gums sooner, when treatment may be as simple as having your teeth professionally cleaned and focusing on improving your oral care routine.

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