Ensuring a Whiter Smile is Healthy

A beautifully white smile is highly sought-after and has never been more accessible. It might be easy to get a whiter smile in Newcastle, but equally, it’s important to ensure it is a healthy smile. One problem is that people equate having whiter teeth with good dental health, overlooking the health of their gums, and this can be a problem.

There is a need to consider what constitutes a healthy smile and that having super white teeth doesn’t necessarily mean your oral health is in great shape. Even if you have teeth whitening treatments, your teeth can still become decayed, and you can still develop gum disease. In addition, just as having a whiter smile can boost self-esteem and self-confidence, losing teeth can have the opposite effect.

Tooth loss because of gum disease in Clarington is a common problem. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence linking gum disease to other general health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, and diabetes. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a white smile, but that your dental health is more important than the colour of your teeth.

The good news is that getting a maintaining a healthy smile is relatively straightforward for most people.

Making Sure Your Smile Is Healthy

Usually, good oral health only involves a few easy steps that only takes minutes each day. It’s crucial to make sure you brush your teeth at least twice each day with fluoride toothpaste, brushing for two minutes each time. If you prefer to use a manual toothbrush, that’s absolutely fine, but you might want to keep the timer in your bathroom or use the timer on your phone to ensure you brush for the full two minutes. It’s very easy to overestimate!

Ideally, brush your teeth last thing at night and another time during the day, usually soon after you awaken. Brushing thing at night ensures you go to bed with clean teeth, and this helps your dental health because your mouth is drier overnight, allowing bacteria to thrive. Removing dental plaque that contains bacteria last thing at night can help protect your oral health.

Don’t forget to clean between your teeth once a day, using dental floss or interdental brushes. If you find it tricky to clean between your teeth, remember we are here to help you, offering practical advice that will soon get you flossing like a pro. If you like to use mouthwash, choose a brand that is antimicrobial or which contains fluoride for added benefit. Some mouthwashes will only provide cosmetic benefits, freshening your breath for a short while. When it comes to mealtimes, try to reduce sugar consumption and when you do have something sweet, have it as part of a main meal when it will do less damage to your teeth.

Don’t forget to visit West Bowmanville Family Dental regularly for your checkups and cleans. When we can monitor your dental health regularly, we can detect any changes more quickly. In addition, hygiene visits are a great way for freshening up your smile and helping maintain strong, healthy gums.

How to Whiten Teeth Safely and Effectively

If you are considering teeth whitening in Courtice, be sure to talk to our dentist first. We can ensure teeth whitening is the right treatment for your needs. We can provide professional teeth whitening treatments using high-quality products only available to dental professionals. These include in-office teeth whitening in Bowmanville for the fastest results. Alternatively, you might wish to whiten more slowly in your own home using our custom-made whitening kits, which can be nice for anyone with more sensitive teeth or who want more control over the whitening process. Above all, we can ensure your whiter smile is healthy.

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