Full Mouth Dental Makeover. Implant Dentist Bowmanville

We first saw Bob as a patient for an implant consult after going years with the process of losing one tooth at a time either due to decay, breakage, gum problems etc.

Bob underwent several procedures to regain his smile back.  We removed the remaining teeth on the upper and lower jaw that had problems.  Eight upper dental implants were placed and an implant retained bridge was placed on top.  Four dental implants were placed on the bottom to retain an implant overdenture (implant supported denture).

Bob was the ideal candidate for this procedure as he was missing multiple teeth, was in good general and oral health (previous history of being a smoker) and was strongly opposed to wearing a removable prosthesis (denture) as a replacement option especially on the upper jaw.

The main concern for Bob was to have teeth that look and feel like his own again.  He was not wanting to deal with the many problems associated with long term denture use as he had heard many negative stories from friends.  He also was concerned about chewing ability and wanting to be able to eat solid foods (hard bread,steak etc).  Having done his research, Bob knew that dentures rely on support from other adjacent teeth, and do not preserve the underlying jawbone.  Dental Implants are able to preserve the bone and improve the comfort, aesthetics and function without relying on support from other teeth.

The process took approximately one year.

The ideal candidate for a dental implant procedure is anyone that is in general good health, with adequate jaw bone to support an implant.  There are no age restrictions as long as the overall health of a patient is not compromised.  Generally we want to wait till a patient has reached maturity so that the jaw bone is done developping.

We generally advise patients that home care should be no different than natural teeth.  In the first few months we would like to see patients regularly to ensure that there are no concerns regarding the strength of the bond of the implant to the bone.  Sometimes we recommend dental night guards for patients that clench or grind their teeth.

Dr Mark Bishara West Bowmanville Dental Centre

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