What is an overbite or underbite?

An underbite is when the lower jaw sticks out further than the top jaw.  This can be caused by genetics, thumb sucking habits, jaw abnormalities.

An overbite is when the upper jaw protrudes further than the lower jaw, causing a misalignment of the teeth. This might be caused by the same reasons of an underbite. More often than not, both an overbite and an underbite are a result of genetics.

Straight teeth and Healthy teeth

Effects of an Underbite and Overbite

Without proper treatment, the effects of an overbite or underbite can cause misalignment of teeth leading to more problems.

A chin cap can be worn by children too young to have an invasive procedure. The chin cap will help to realign the jaw over time. An expander is another option. These two devices will take several months to yield results.

Adults that need an underbite or overbite corrected will need surgery. The surgical procedure will require the surgeon to correct the jaws alignment. This can be done by pushing the jaw forward or backwards however necessary. Prior to this surgery, a dentist may require braces to be worn for several years before surgery can take place.

If you know or are assuming that you have an underbite or overbite, contact us to have an examination done.

The West Bowmanville Family Dental Team

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