The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is sometimes also called endodontic therapy in Newcastle. It is an excellent treatment that can help to save and preserve teeth after a tooth has become infected and inflamed. If this treatment hadn’t been developed, we would have no other option but to remove severely infected teeth, something we try very hard to avoid. You needn’t fear this treatment as it shouldn’t feel any worse than having an ordinary filling, although it can take a little longer because it’s quite complicated.

When Is Root Canal Therapy Necessary?

This treatment removes the infected or injured or dead pulp tissue from deep inside your tooth. Right at the centre of each tooth is a pulp chamber that is connected to the root canal system extending into your tooth roots. The pulp chamber and root canals contain soft tissues made up of nerves and blood vessels and which help teeth to grow and develop. Once a tooth has finished developing, it can function without a dental pulp.

Usually, in a healthy tooth, the pulp chamber is protected by the hard, outer layers of the tooth, including the dentin surrounding it and which is covered by tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but it could still become damaged. If you have a deep cavity in a tooth, if a tooth has become cracked or chipped, or if an older filling has begun to leak or crumble, allowing bacteria in your mouth to enter the tooth. When these bacteria reach the pulp chamber, they can infect it, promoting inflammation and swelling that can be extremely painful. Often, the first sign of a tooth infection is a severe toothache. Also, you may notice the gum around the tooth looks red or swollen, and you might have a persistent bad taste.

Any tooth discomfort or pain is a sign that something is wrong with the tooth. If you do develop these symptoms, we suggest you come and see us here at West Bowmanville Family Dental for emergency dental care in Clarington. It’s important to seek treatment quickly because there is a better chance that we can save the tooth the sooner we can treat it. We’ll also make sure you feel much more comfortable and are pain-free!

What Is the Procedure?

First, our dentist in Clarington will diagnose the problem by gently examining your teeth and taking a digital dental x-ray. This will show the extent of the infection and the shape, size and number of root canals needing treatment. Front teeth only have a single root or root canal, but back teeth can have three.

Next, your tooth is numbed with a local anesthetic so we can make a small opening in the tooth to access the pulp chamber. Specialized tools are used to remove all the infected tissues in the chamber and the root canals. Once all the infected tissue is removed, the root canal is thoroughly cleaned and sealed.

Restoring a Tooth after Root Canal Therapy

Usually, a tooth that has received root canal therapy will need a dental crown in Courtice and which covers the entire tooth. Often, a substantial part of the original tooth is missing after this type of treatment, destroyed by trauma or decay, and a filling wouldn’t be strong enough to ensure you could bite and chew without fear of the tooth crumbling or cracking. Sometimes a post is placed inside the tooth to provide additional support.

If you have a toothache, contact us for emergency dental care in Bowmanville. Please don’t put up with dental pain as we can help you.

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