How long do dental implants take to heal?

Tooth loss can happen for a number of reasons that include tooth decay, gum infections, trauma or genetic predisposition to weaker teeth.

Dental Implant Operation Recovery Time

Often when teeth are lost, we are forced with alternatives that may not be the most aesthetic or comfortable in restoring the original function and appearance of the damaged teeth.

A look at dental implants

Dentures and bridges are two options that fill the gaps of missing teeth.  The third option being dental implants which is a popular treatment choice and the most popular of the three.  First its important to understand what dental implants can do for patients and how the alternatives work.

Dentures are used as a last resort in situations where multiple teeth are missing.  While the option of multiple implants can be used, its often more cost-effective to replace with dentures.

Bridges are used to restore more than one tooth at a time by connecting to teeth around the missing spaces. Bridges have the disadvantage of being hard to clean underneath and over time can add extra stress on the supporting teeth.

Dental implants can restore individual teeth and multiple teeth to mimic the natural counterpart.

Implant Recovery Period

The first phase of a dental implant procedure (the most important ) takes approximately 7 to 10 days to complete.

There is usually a mild amount of swelling and discomfort that can be controlled with pain medication. While every patient’s healing cycle is different, some may need to stay on a softer diet for several weeks.

Typically there is a healing period of two to three months prior to loading of the implant with a new crown.

Dental Implants in Bowmanville

For your free dental implant consultation in Bowmanville contact our office at 905-697-1118


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