Dental Implant FAQ

Dental Implants have a high success rate but are not without complications in some minor cases. We always inform patients that we will try our best to ensure the best results, however there are certain factors that can complicate or decrease the success rate.

People Who Shouldn’t Get Dental Implants

We will briefly discuss four types of cases or patients in which dental implants may not be recommended due to pre-existing medical or physical conditions that could complicate the outcome of the procedure.

Who should not get dental implants:

1-People with not enough bone: When a tooth is lost, your jaw bone will begin to shrink. This will happen to every single patient regardless of age and may be accelerated in areas of soft bone density such as the upper jaw.  Dental implants are anchored to the jaw bone and require adequate bone thickness and density for support. If you have lost a tooth for an extensive period of time then you may not be a candidate for dental implant replacement without undergoing further procedures such as bone grafting. The good news is that in most cases we do not have to perform bone grafting procedures from other areas of the body but rather can use donor bone or synthetic bone sources.

2-Pregnant women : Pregnancy in general is a period in which dental implants and any elective dental procedures are recommended to be held off. It is recommended to to wait until after birth and once you have been given clearance by your doctor to proceed with elective surgery and physical activity.

3-Blood Thinners: In certain cases where patients are on blood thinning medications, we will obtain clearance from your doctor to alter blood thinning medication regimen. In most circumstances, we are able to perform dental implant surgery without major alteration in this area however each case is different.

4-Compromised immune systems: Dental implants require proper healing and a big part of this is having a healthy immune system. Uncontrolled diabetics or fluctuating blood sugar levels, radiation therapy and smokers all have altered healing patterns which could drastically impact dental implant treatment. We always recommend consulting with your doctor first to ensure that blood sugar levels are under control. Dental implants are possible in patients that smoke however we do advise that the success rate tends to drop significantly from the high 90th percentile to low 80th percentile.

The dental implant procedure is overall a highly successful procedure, however like any other form of surgery we need to ensure that all the steps and precautions are taken care of prior to the procedure. We want to leave your mouth with a healthy and happy result and together we can work as a team to ensure this ! For your free dental implant consultation in Bowmanville contact our office today (905-697-1118)

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